I have been tagged My letter is the letter B. In this tag I am to write down ten things I love that start with the letter B.
BEING A MOM- this one has taken me awhile to get the hang of- my kids have taught me so much. I just find it overwhelming to be responsible for the future of our country. I have so many hopes and dreams for each one of my children. They are a blessing in my life and I can't imagine missing out on such an awesome adventure!
BOYS- I love my boys Blair and Blaze. They have taught me so much and seem to have an endless amount of curiosity, love for things with motors and a great way of showing love and appreciation for the things I do for them. They inspire me to want to me a better wife and mom.
BEST FRIENDS - I love all my friends out there who have supported and encouraged me through all my ups and downs. Bethany- love the elevator talks :) Kandis -love the way you always know the right time to call I just wish Buffalo wasn't so far away! Jess- love the crazy bookstore stories! Jane - Camex Rocked! Melody-thanks for all the encouragement and advice. Linda- truly an answer to prayer. Kirstine love the morning walks & talks. Melanie the best sis anyone could have. Kelsie for always stopping by to see me when your in town. Karen- thanks for never giving up on me ( you are not a stalker )JaNae- love that we can always start where we left off. There are many more so please know if you weren't listed it wasn't because I didn't love Ya!
BUBBLE BATHS- Can't have too many "Calgon" moments
BACK RUBS - Just like the bubble baths you can't have too many. I so look forward to any massages or free back rubs from my honey.
BOOKS- I haven't always loved to read, but through the years have found reading to be quite an escape. I read the Twilight series and would have loved to have never read the fourth book at all! Breaking Dawn - big disappointment for me---anyway I read all types I love the Peace giver and am reading Broken things to Mend- ( thanks Val) it has been very inspiring definitely a must read.
BRIGHT RED SPORTS CAR- I dream of owning a vintage Mustang with the pony package. I have pretty particular specs for this car and one day I know I will have it and can't wait to hear the engine roar and my hair fly in the breeze!
NOT - since we are a causality of the economic depression we have become very resourceful and we have tried to be very creative with family outings and grocery shopping. I coupon shop and price match. We have lots of fun playing board games for family time. Ashley rocks at monopoly - she is going to be very rich someday! I am not saying it's easy to be broke it just makes you be more creative which isn't all bad.
BEAUTIFUL HOUSE - I love my beautiful two story home. It has an amazing rock fireplace and four huge bedrooms. I feel so blessed to have it...however as mentioned above it's hard to make house payments when you are broke and neither one of you have jobs - So if any one is interested in buying a 3600 square foot home in Clinton leave a comment and we'll make a deal!
BLESSINGS - It's not all doom and gloom. I can say I have been blessed through these last months of HELL oh oops I mean trials, sufferings, lamenting and gnashing of teeth! Seriously, I am grateful to have the gospel in my life to have witnessed my Saviors love and concern for me and my family during this time. When I have days of despair there is usually a phone call, a letter or someone there to encourage me. When it doesn't look like we are going to have enough money for a bill or medicine graciously someone anonymously or family has sent us money in the mail. I do know that the Lord is mindful of me and I am so blessed to have wonderful family and friends who are there to answer my prayers. I am so very blessed to have such tender mercies in my life!