Wednesday, March 25, 2009

New Plan

Well in my previous blog we were hoping to go to the Happiest Place on Earth---due to budget restraints this may not be a possibility.
So do any of you have some great budget friendly get-aways for spring break?
We are using the "Secret" and I am putting my order out to the universe and know that Blair will be enjoying a new job around the first of April. For those of you who don't know what the secret is -google it. I really believe it works - so here's to a new job and a fun family vacation!

1 comment:

kandis said...

i have an idea! Get on a bus, plane, train, hitchhike or whatever it takes but come to beautiful, awesome, always sunny... never snowy, rainy or gloomy...buffalo, NY!!! I know it's pretty much right next to the happiest place on earth when you ranked where you'd like to go for spring break but hey you get here and we'll take care of the rest!

a girl can dream!
miss ya tons!!!!