Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Give thanks

I came across this saying, "Not what we say about our blessings, but how we use them, is the true measure of our thanksgiving"
It really made me stop and think- how often do I say I'm am thankful for all my blessings but never stop to think how I have used them in my life.
So here are some of my blessings that have helped me become a better me. I count my children they have taught me so much and have helped me try harder to be stronger to be more patient and live life a little more simply.
I count my family and friends as blessings. You all have helped me by lifting me up, encouraging me, being a shoulder to cry on and believing in me.
I also count my hard times as blessings even though they are yucky and hard to go through I come out of them a stronger more determined person. I have grown so much from them and have learned love and empathy for others. Really aren't we all are struggling with something - it's just what we do or take from it that matters.
So I give you all a big thanks for being a blessing in my life- Happy Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

Wilson said...

We're thankful for you guys!! Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving and we can see you again soon!

-The Edwards