Sunday, November 30, 2008

Shopping Fun

Yes, I was one of those crazy 3 A.M. bargain shoppers. However, this year I got my son into it. He wanted a Ripstik G for his birthday. Fred Meyer had them 1/2 off so I told him if he wanted one he'd have to get up early and get it.
It was so fun seeing his excitement grow as we waited outside in the Idaho cold. Then he was AMAZED that people were running in the store - something he normally would have gotten in trouble for he could actually do.
Long story short he got his Ripstik and we were able to shop Walmart too and find more deals. He and I had a great time! He is already asking if he can come next year----He's hooked!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Give thanks

I came across this saying, "Not what we say about our blessings, but how we use them, is the true measure of our thanksgiving"
It really made me stop and think- how often do I say I'm am thankful for all my blessings but never stop to think how I have used them in my life.
So here are some of my blessings that have helped me become a better me. I count my children they have taught me so much and have helped me try harder to be stronger to be more patient and live life a little more simply.
I count my family and friends as blessings. You all have helped me by lifting me up, encouraging me, being a shoulder to cry on and believing in me.
I also count my hard times as blessings even though they are yucky and hard to go through I come out of them a stronger more determined person. I have grown so much from them and have learned love and empathy for others. Really aren't we all are struggling with something - it's just what we do or take from it that matters.
So I give you all a big thanks for being a blessing in my life- Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Still in Idaho

For those who are wondering or just plain curious - I am STILL in Idaho. Rexburg has it's perks, like Fong's fried rice Ashley's favorite, old friends- Blaze has had fun at the middle school hooking up with his elementary buddies. Millhollow frozen yogurt Candace has to have the strawberry cheesecake it's pink and yummy. Overall it's been nice to have some time away to just think. I appreciate all the calls of love and concern. I'll keep you updated on just where we're going and when we'll be back. So for now a big hug from your lil' old pal in Idaho.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Drivers license, Shot and Hosptial OH MY

No, that's not my real drivers license. Whoever would want to display such a hideous picture. Anyway I went to Idaho to re-new my drivers license which, expired the next day. SO I figured I would leave Thursday because the kids had no school on Friday. Off we went. Drive was good. Got to my mom's house woke up on Halloween feeling YUCKY! So I went to the doctors office and found out I had a rip roaring infection Yippee! I knew I needed to take the kids around trick or treating so I asked them to give me a shot. Doesn't HE look sweet and innocent! Well let me tell you what having a male nurse is intimidating enough! Having him poke me in my fatty hip was humiliating. A few seconds after the shot of the antibiotic I felt a pain like no other all down my hip into my calf. I asked the doctor if this was normal---NO of course not! The cute little punk nurse gave my shot way too high and way too lateral which hit my nerve instead of my fat. Lucky me. The doctor gave me a motrin 1200 do they really make such stuff? I didn't care. I took it and hoped for the best. A few hours later no relief from the pain but promised the kids we would go trick-or-treating with the cousins in Idaho Falls we stood in line for an hour to go to a few decorated trailers and get tootsie rolls and bubble gum. I was a little disappointed but them reminded myself we were making memories- Smile and have fun. Next we went to Burton and the kids trunk or treated with my sisters ward. Man did they make a haul! Remember my shot is still killing me so I tell my sis to take me home. My mom shares one of her fine high power pain pills and off to sleep I go. Only the pain pill didn't work so I tossed and turned and tried to sleep. Next day Happy Birthday to drugged out pain filled me! I tried to have a good day even though I didn't feel well. My mom did a great job making my birthday great! Loved going to dinner with her and my sis. Blair's mom gave me a massage at a spa (that was the only thing that eased my hip pain) So later that night I get a call from Blair's mom, the doctor put his grandma in the hospital to run tests. She has a lot of fluid in her body and can't breath well, so as of right now we have been told it is congenital heart failure. They will run more tests. And we'll know more on Monday. So for now I'm still in Idaho. I have conceded that I am a BAD omen and am not suppose to stay in Idaho or disaster is sure to ensue!